Blog Articles

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How to Open Your Third Eye: Psychic Ability Series, Part Two

(This is the second in a three-part series on the third eye. Click here for part one. Click here for part three.) The third eye is located at the sixth chakra in the middle of the forehead. It has been depicted throughout history and across many cultures as a single eye, in reference to its ability ...

How to Clear Your Third Eye: Psychic Ability Series, Part One

The third eye is known for its role in delivering supernatural information to the conscious mind. It is the center for psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, lucid dreaming, precognition and communication with non-physical beings.   When the third eye is open, one is able to use these abilities to perceive and interpret subtle energies from the ...

How to Remove Negativity and Elevate Yourself in 4 Minutes

We are conditioned from a young age to believe that it is better to look on the bright side of life and to always keep a positive mental attitude. Staying positive helps us to feel happier, maintain hope, and makes it generally nicer for others to be around us. But it isn’t always easy or ...

13 Signs of a Haunted House: How the Departed Get Your Attention

Objects you are sure you put in one place appear in another. Strange things happen often enough to cause you to wonder if you are losing your mind, or if there is an unseen presence that wants your attention. Something is seen when nothing is there. You hear a voice calling your name but no ...

5 Paranormal Phenomena That May Happen to You

Have you noticed that things seem a little weird lately? All over the world, reports of high strangeness and odd phenomena are on the rise. And while some of these reports can be written off as hoaxes or fabrications, the increase in the number of them makes one wonder if something extraordinary is occurring in the ...

Chaos vs. Calm: Tools and a Yogic Technique for Emotional Balance

In this age of technical overload we tend to live in our heads rather than our hearts. Many of us spend a good amount of time every day in front of a computer or cell phone, completely detached from the world around us, our attention rarely in the present moment. We also lead stressful lives due ...

How to Work with Psychic Links and Healthy Boundaries in Romantic Relationships

Reader Questions: How Do I Create a Healthy Romantic Relationship? Hi, I came across your blog when I was searching for some solutions to a challenge I am trying to overcome (have no idea how to put it any other way). I fell in love with my boyfriend not too long ago in Costa Rica, and I ...

Frequency Busters: 10 Things that Lower Your Vibrations

You’ve probably heard someone speak of good or bad vibrations before, such as, “he has really good vibes” or, “this person is giving off bad vibes”, but what do they mean? What are vibrations and how does one know whether they are good or bad? Although it may seem like an imagined concept, vibrations are an ...

How to Expand Your Awareness: Stretching the Boundaries of Perception via the Salvador Dali Technique

A growing number of us today are becoming disenchanted, bored and depressed with life. Because of this, many of us are beginning to question the possibility that there is more to reality than meets the eye. For the sake of hope, it’s a good thing to ponder, but if you really want to find out ...

Cultivating Compassion: How We Heal the World

We are arguably a selfish species.  We have learned to watch our backs, and turn them on others, as a way to acquire, protect and survive independently. We tend to live in a bubble of self-regard, viewing our ecology and each other as separate from ourselves, and because of it our world seems to have reached ...