How to Open Your Third Eye: Psychic Ability Series, Part Two

(This is the second in a three-part series on the third eye. Click here for part one. Click here for part three.)

The third eye is located at the sixth chakra in the middle of the forehead. It has been depicted throughout history and across many cultures as a single eye, in reference to its ability to impart inner vision to the individual.


Located at the sixth chakra center, the third eye is part of the subtle energy system of the human body. Once activated, it enables one to perceive supernatural information about the people, places and circumstances of life.




These intuitive faculties are innate in all human beings. However, due to the trend of modern society to place more importance on the left-brain logical functions of the mind, and a wide-spread indoctrination in various belief systems that eschew the supernatural, the third eye abilities remain dormant in most people.


But this doesn’t have to be the case. The third eye center can be utilized by anyone. Like a spark plug, the third eye will activate as soon as it is connected to its power source. As it exists along the main channel of the body’s subtle energy system, activating it is merely a process of directing one’s internal energy flow to the sixth chakra.


How to Open Your Third Eye

The following is my method for opening and energizing the third eye. It is designed to channel the focus of awareness, the power of breath, the vibration of sound, and the direction of internal energy flow to the sixth chakra. An intended focus on all four of these simultaneously will stimulate and open your third eye in a very powerful way.

Given the etheric and intangible nature of the third eye functions, it is easy to mistakenly dismiss or take too lightly practices such as this. But please make no mistake about it. Activating the third eye center has very real consequences.

For this reason, I recommend that you do not rush into this practice until you read the entire article. Also, do not attempt to do this if you are in ill health, under the influence of any type of drug or alcohol (including any pharmaceuticals that limit your awareness or lower your immune system), or suffering from lack of sleep or depression.

Women should not perform mulabandha while menstruating. Make sure you are well-rested, balanced, and healthy before you begin, then proceed slowly. 

Before you proceed, please make sure that you have cleared your third eye center. To learn how to do so, refer to the first post in this series, How to Cleanse Your Third Eye.

Click here to access it.




The Third Eye Opener



  1. Sit with your legs uncrossed. Meditate for a few moments while you focus your intention on opening the third eye.
  2. Close your eyes and focus them up toward the third eye center. Keep them this way the entire time.
  3. Take a deep breath and hold. Contract and hold the muscles in your rectal, sex organ, and navel, while pulling up on your diaphragm. This is called the mulabandha root lock.* Hold the breath and contraction for about 10 seconds.
  4. Release your muscles and exhale as you chant in one long breath, “OM”. Keep your exhale steady and powerful. Continue until all air is expelled.
  5. With each inhalation, picture a ball of light, growing in intensity, at the bottom of your spine.
  6. With each exhalation, picture the ball of light traveling up your spine and into your third eye center. Picture the third eye becoming brighter and more open each time.
  7. Repeat three times each session, once per day. Do not exceed cycles three cycles per session.


This exercise is very powerful because it stimulates the entire inner energy system while directing the inner energy to the sixth chakra.

For this reason, it is very important that you start the practice slowly. If you are new to inner energy work, begin with only one breath cycle for the first few weeks, slowly building up to three.

Please do not exceed three breaths per session. If you do, you risk overstimulating your nervous system. This can have very real and damaging consequences to your physical body.

When you hold the breath and squeeze the root lock, you are stimulating your kundalini energy. If this area has not been activated in you yet, you may feel a rush of warmth or a jolt of energy.

If this happens or if you feel overwhelmed in any way from this exercise, stop the practice. You may need to refrain from it for a few weeks, until you feel stable.


It’s important to point out that opening your third eye is not a one-time deal. Like any other muscle in the body, the third eye requires regular exercise and a dedicated practice in order to function at its best.



How to Know When Your Third Eye is Open





When your third eye opens, there may be noticeable  sensations that accompany it.

You may experience one or more of the following:


  • Tight pressure that feels like a band around the forehead
  • Headaches
  • Pressure or pulsing sensation between the eyebrows
  • Light sensitivity
  • Increased synchronicity
  • Uncharacteristic spaciness
  • Vivid dreams
  • Increasing visions and/or foresight
  • Ability to see auras
  • Heightened supernatural senses


A Word of Caution

Psychic experiences are often intense, frightening, and are capable of completely upending your perspective of the world. Once you open this center, you will never see life the same way again.

This can be hard to live with. So for this reason, I must caution you to take it slow, use common sense and learn how to protect yourself. It is not as glamorous as it seems.


The Inner Blink

Keep in mind that once your third eye is open, it probably won’t stay that way.

Your diet, thoughts, and experiences all affect this center in such a way that it may become overburdened with toxins or the heavy energy of emotion.

The over-all balance of your health also affects this area.

Each of these will slow down the functioning of the third eye center, making it very difficult for you to use your psychic faculties. For this reason, you may need to re-activate the third eye center periodically.  

Once you open your third eye, it is imperative that you learn how to close it.

For Part 3 of this series, check out  How to Close your Third Eye.  


Suggested Links:

*Mulabandha instructions

How to Clear Your Third Eye

How to Close Your Third Eye 


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