Why Is Your House Haunted? 12 Causes of Spirit Activity in Your Home

Haunted houses, ghosts, and spirit activity in a home or building are more common than one might think. And although not everyone believes in this phenomenon, it’s become a more widely accepted concept in these modern times than ever before.

Perhaps this is because more of us are learning to open our minds to the idea that consciousness can exist in forms other than the human mind. Or, maybe it’s just that an increasing number of people have experiences that fall outside of accepted reality.

Haunted Reality

If you live in a haunted house, you’ve probably experienced some of the terror unseen activity can incite. The knowledge that something you can’t perceive can spy on you, interact with your environment, or worse, even harm you or someone you know is beyond frightening.

If this is you, you’ll probably want the activity to stop. You may be able to stop it by moving if that is an option. Otherwise, you’ll need to seek an alternative solution.

Knowing what causes a spiritual flare-up in your home is crucial to finding a strategy to end it successfully.

Here are 12 things that can provoke spirit activity in your home:

Antiques or used items

Old or used items, such as furniture, dishes, statues, or jewelry, can carry energy imprints or spirit attachments from former owners or environments.  While clearing some of these energies by cleansing or blessing the item is possible, some need more than this to clear the entities fully.

If you suspect an item in your house is the source of the disturbance, give it away or throw it in the trash. Burning it is not recommended, as this can release negative entities and cause even more trouble for you.

Heavy emotions and negativity

In the world of energy, like attracts like. If you or someone in your household is overly depressed, fearful, angry, or hostile, this can attract entities that feed off that type of energy.

If this is the case in your home, seek help to heal and uplift the negative party and lighten the atmosphere. Just as the light will illuminate the darkness, laughter, happy music, and good vibrations act as a repellent for dark energies.

Where Death Occurred

A death in the actual building, or even in a neighboring building or property, is often the cause of a haunting.

Sudden or violent death can cause a spirit to linger in an area, forever seeking retribution. In other cases, sometimes a person does not realize he is dead and will see you as an intruder into what he knows to be his home.

If this is the case, try to command the spirit to leave your space. If this does not work, you will need the help of a professional medium or shaman who can communicate with the spirit to help it move on.

Household members with medium gifts and/or clairvoyance

Spirits who haunt people after earthly life do so because they seek attention from the living. Anyone who can detect spirits is a beacon to those in the spirit world. Once a spirit notices a living person who can see it, it’ll target that person to gain his or her attention.

If you or someone in your home has the innate ability to see and communicate with spirit, this may be the source of your haunting. In this case, the best option is education.

Some schools teach skills a natural medium can use to turn down second sight and turn off the beacon to spirit at will.

Although the media tends to glamorize such ability, the truth is that living with it can be stressful and terrifying. As I speak from personal experience, learning how to cope with the endless barrage of spirits can not only stop the activity in your home, but it can be a game-changer in the life of the sensitive individual.

Drug or alcohol abuse

If you or someone in your home has a substance abuse issue, it is possible to attract those in spirit who were also addicted to these things in their lifetime. Some entities continue to seek addictive patterns even after their earthly life has ended.

Also problematic is that drugs and alcohol greatly lower the personal vibrations of the user. This can attract dark entities that feed off the fear, self-loathing, and self-destruction of the addicted individual, creating a self-perpetuating and sickly cycle of addicts and parasites continuously feeding off one another.

If this is the case in your home, have the afflicted person seek professional help for addiction recovery. Removing such a person from the home is also an option to reduce activity if all attempts at recovery fail.


This may surprise many, but mirrors are known to shamanic and spiritual communities as common portals for spirits.

To explain this, anything reflective portrays an image of physical reality that is not physical – just like spirit.

Providing the quality and collection of energies around the reflective surface, the otherworldly representation of reality it portrays can provide non-physical energies an access point into this solid plane of reality.

Especially suspect is the placement of one mirror opposite another. This placement creates an infinite image of reality, where energies multiply and condense. The resulting vibrations then become a potent version of reality – a supercharged access point perfect for the spirit.

Mirrors that reflect doorways can also become a portal, creating a surreal entryway through which the spirit can travel.

If your home is haunted, make sure you do not have any mirrors facing one another, a door, an entryway, or any antique or second-hand mirrors that might be causing the paranormal disturbances.

If you find an issue but can’t move the mirror, seek the help of a professional medium or shaman who knows how to seal these energy portals for good.


A person’s energy field in puberty is more potent and powerful than perhaps any other time of life. This is due to the large amount of energy required to transition the body into adulthood, as well as the initial release of sexual energy – itself a very powerful force of nature.

Poltergeist activities, such as moving objects and unexplained noises, are largely attributed to a household member in his or her pubescent or early teenage years. If this is the case in your home, you can rest assured the activity will end once the puberty stage does.

If, in the meantime, the activity in your home becomes overwhelming, encourage the youth to express his or her energy through movement, exercise, and time spent out of doors. Burning off some excess energy will significantly reduce the poltergeist manifestations immediately.


You’ve probably heard the expression that babies bring blessings, but what you may not know is that they also attract spirits.

If you’ve noticed an increase in paranormal activity in a home with a baby, it may be due to the deceased relatives gathering to see the child and help her on her new journey.

Babies can also perceive spirit, as they are new to the rules of the physical world and cannot yet see the physical separateness we all learn as we grow. The world is not yet solid to them, so a spirit is as real as a physical person.

This type of haunting is usually harmless, if not unnerving. The activity will cease when the baby ages and the physical world becomes more real and solid to her awareness.

However, if the activity in your home seems violent or possibly harmful, don’t take chances and wait. Instead, seek the help of a professional who can protect the child and your family by removing the entity from your home.

Ouija boards

Although marketed as a toy, Ouija boards are anything but. Through the configuration of the symbols on the board, coupled with the intent of those who use them, Ouija boards serve as portals to non-reality.

When someone uses a Ouija board, they open a door to themselves and their environment that they can neither see nor control. It’s as if they are sending an open invitation for all entities to enter their space. Unfortunately, the ones who respond are usually low-vibrational entities that mean to do you harm.

If you suspect this is the cause of your haunting, remove the board from your property. However, please do not burn the board, as this closes the door behind the entities, locking them into your space with you.

If the haunting continues after removing the board, seek the help of a professional medium or a church member who can clear and bless your home to rid it of unwanted entities.

Conjuring or witchcraft, or possession of items used in such rituals

If anyone, past or present, has dabbled in witchcraft or the dark arts on your property, they may have opened portals to the unseen or conjured dark entities that move into your home and intend to stay.

In these cases, the energies that haunt your home are often the most troublesome and harmful. If this seems to be the case in your home, you should seek help from a professional, such as an exorcist from the Catholic church or an equivalent, to clear your home and protect your family.

Unfortunately, in some cases, the only option may be to vacate the property and close it off to others for good.

Property near a former calamity

If your property happens to be on or near an area where a past battle was fought, such as a civil war battle, or where a significant tragedy once occurred, this may be the source of the spirit activity.

In this situation, the haunting is a residual imprint of the past, not a conscious entity that seeks attention from the living. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible to find a spirit source to communicate with to end the activity, so you may not be able to clear the property.

The good news with this type of haunting is that they are seldom harmful. The entities involved rarely notice or interact with the living. They are simply playing out the massive energy scenario that occurred in their lifetime, leaving an imprint that runs on its own like an eternal movie clip.

If this is the case with your home, you might try a blessing of the land by a professional shaman or priest, which can help reduce or even end the activity altogether.

Water source

Since water is a conductor of electricity, spirit activity tends to escalate near bodies of water. Water may be a battery for conscious entities to gain power and force. This makes it much easier for them to manifest themselves in the physical world.

Living in an area with a natural source of water, such as a lake, river, or even underground water, may contribute to paranormal activity in your home.

If this is the case with your home, take steps to clear and bless your home regularly. Doing so will greatly reduce or end the spirit activity in your home.

Also, seek out another cause for the spirit activity from this list, as the water is not the source but the amplifier of pre-existing entities.

Life is for the Living

Imagine if your life ended before you expected it to. Imagine, too, that your home, loved ones, and life are still perceivable, yet physically inaccessible, to you.

Would you try communicating with the people still alive and living in your house? How would you get their attention, and why would you want it?

If you have ever had a haunted experience in your life, it might be helpful for you to understand the odd perspective one gains when physical life is lost. It may also take away some of the fear you feel when you know that something you cannot see is roaming freely in your home without any consent of your own.

But life is for the living. No matter what type of haunting you may experience, the number one thing to remember is that you, as a physical being, have authority over physical reality.

Furthermore, no spirit, no matter the form it takes or the chaos it creates, can supersede your command of force and will as a physical being.

If you live with a haunting, your free will and authority are your most powerful tools to clear your home of unwanted energies. Use them to command that all unwanted energies present leave at once and take back your right to live in a safe and happy home.

Don’t be a Ghost

With this said, I might also remind you that when the day comes for you to shed your own mortal coil, move on to the better and brighter realms of spirit and leave the physical reality to the physical beings that live here.

If there is anything to learn from a haunted experience, it is this: even though your physical life, including your body, is a temporary act of creation, your consciousness is eternal.

Further Reading:

9 Things About the Deceased You May Want to Know

16 Signs of an Advanced Soul: Where Do You Stand?

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